Inner mission

The Inner Mission (German: Innere Mission, also translated as Home Mission) was a movement of German evangelists, set up by Johann Hinrich Wichern in Wittenberg in 1848 based on a model of Theodor Fliedner. It quickly spread from Germany to other countries.

Like other missions, the Inner Mission sought a "rebirth" of Christianity, by means of the doctrine of "brotherly love" and a social programme of charity (social service) and Christian education.


Specific inner missions

An inner mission or rescue mission is a project set up by Christian groups to aid the poor and sick in the home country of the group. The word inner reflects that mission is within a single country's boundaries - generally a "mission" is presumed to be overseas (see Mission (Christian)) for details.

The City Mission movement, with the London City Mission and the New York City Rescue Mission and the Wesley Mission in Australia are examples.

See also


External links